Message to fucking arseholes representing Graveyard or their label. There is no Graveyard in this post, nor will there ever be in any future post, should there ever be one; just as I will never purchase anything relating to Graveyard, or anything on your label. There was no Graveyard either in this post, or the Mediafire links when you reported them all. I specifically removed anything related to a major label, then re-posted.
However, being the utter cunts that you are, you felt the need to report this blogpost, and links, which contained nothing related to you or your label; therefore which you had no legal stake in. Now my mediafire account has been suspended, all links are dead, and you have ruined a blog designed to introduce people to obscure music. Good job.
Nuclear Blast, folks. This is what you get when you sign a distribution deal with a major - you suck major cock.
3 month posting gap, blimey. Here's a kind of best of 2011 - there's a few omissions, like Radiohead, and Innercity's Terrestriality, which is a great album, but I don't have it on mp3. I've left off some metal, too - not a vintage year for metal, but I've also been listening to lots on older metal. I would say my favourites of the year were Ulcerate, Rwake, Cannabis Corpse, Azarath, Trap Them; and probably my favourite - Glorior Belli - The Great Southern Darkness. I've also been listening to tons of techno, and hope to get a mix together of recent stuff.
Best albums of 2011:
Bill Callaghan - Apocalypse
Grails - Deep Politics
Byetone - Symeta
Kronos Quartet, Kimmo Pohjonen & Samuli Kosminen - Uniko
The Fear Ratio - Light Box
What's left then? Lots of psych-synth-space rock. This is a slightly smaller list than the one I originally posted, which got reported because because because tiresome bollocks. Hopefully nothing on this list now contains anything tainted with a major label or distributor. If you are going to spend cash on music, don't buy anything on a major - support the independents, and buy direct from bands wherever possible.
1. D Charles Spee r - Markos's Cave (Arghil edes ) |
2. Deerhoo f - Must Fight Current (Deerhoo f vs Evil) |
3. The Haxan Cloa k - The Fall (The Ha xan Cloak) |
4. Six Organs of Admitt ance - Light of the Light (Asleep on the Floodp lain) |
5. Byeton e - Black Peace (Sym eta) |
6. Grail s - Future Primitiv e (Deep Po litics) |
7. Uganda n Methods - Untitled (Mat Opu t 1/2 Vinyl) |
8. Le Révélateu r - Age Maze (Fictio ns) |
9. Locria n - The Crysta l World (The Crystal Worl d) |
10. Mini Mansion s - Kiddie Hyp nogogia (Mini M ansions) |
11. Oneid a - Pre-Human (Absolute II) |
12. Anim a M orte - Devoi d of a Soul (Face the Sea of Dark ness) |
13. Circle - Saarnaa ja (Infektio) |
14. Surgeo n - Transparen t Radiation (Break ing The Frame) |
15. Seefe el - Sway (Seefee l) |
16. Alexand er Tuck er - His Arm Has Grown Long (Dorwy tch) |
17. Evan Camin iti - heavy wh isper (When Califor nia Falls Into The Sea) |
18. Bill Callaha n - Baby's Breath (Apocalypse) |
19. Kronos Quarte t, Kim mo Pohjonen & Samu li Kosmin n - Unik o: III Sarma (Un iko) |
20. Mind Over Mirror s - Round, Around (The Voi ce Rolli ng) |
21. Master Musicians Of Bukkak e - Prophec y Of The White Camel / Namou arre (Tote m Three) |

Part 2
Genre for these tracks = 'white dot 2011'
You need both parts to unpack.